
Reservation by credit card

Reservation by credit card

    I certify*

    Confirm that you have receive a booking confirmation and authorizes The Originals Hotels Meaux Villenoy to proceed with the transaction on the bank card indicated below, according to the formula agreed with the establishment. If I select the wrong formula, this will render the form invalid and my booking will be guaranteed until 18:00 maximum. The amount of the stay or the first night that may be cashed was indicated to me by phone or in the confirmation email. The night is cashable up to 145 euro maximum. I indicate the reservation number:

    Bank card type

    Bank card N° : *

    Expiry Date :

    Cryptogram on the back of the card: * Enter the last three digits only. Example for Mastercard / Visa: XXXX YYY, indicate YYY. Example for American Express: XXX YYYY indicate YYYY.

    Cardholder information : *

    I accept irrevocably and previously that the hotelkeeper keeps his data until three months after the date of the invoice (date of departure). I check the information and validate this form by ticking the box below *

    Good for agreement

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