
Price of your stay

You certainly want the best price and we are aware of it. We therefore suggest you choose some dates or periods of little demand, then book directly on our official website, ideally, minimum 31 days before your arrival date. So you can make great savings.

For example the classic double room is only 59.90 €. In this example, it is a non-modifiable offer, non-refundable and non-exchangeable and payable at the time of booking by credit card. You must be certain of your choice and check as a precaution before validating your reservation.

In addition, we offer a BB formula (room and breakfast included) combining the best value for money. This offer is non-modifiable, non-refundable and non-exchangeable and payable at the time of booking by credit card. You must be certain of your choice and check as a precaution before validating your reservation.

No more identical prices everywhere! From now on, make your reservation on our website, it will always be cheaper.

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